185 Concord St
Nashua, NH 03064


Ice cream was first invented in 17th century China.
It takes 3 gallons of milk to produce 1 gallon of ice cream, meaning one cow can produce on average 2-3 gallons of ice cream per day! Over her entire lifetime, one cow can produce enough milk for 9,000 gallons of ice cream!
The average number of licks to finish a scoop of ice cream is 50
The country that consumes the most ice cream is the USA, followed by Australia then Norway.
The most popular flavor is vanilla, then chocolate
Chocolate ice cream was invented before vanilla
Vanilla was rare and exotic in the late 1700’s
Ice cream in America in the 1700’s was rare and enjoyed by high society
The first written ice cream recipe was found in a 1665 recipe book
Industrial ice cream production in the US began in Boston, MA in 1851
The majority of Americans – around 90%, have ice cream in their freezers
Some of the strangest flavors found are: avocado, hot dog, garlic, chili, licorice, Stilton cheese, and bacon
Ice cream headaches or “brain freeze” is the result of the nerve endings in the roof of your mouth sending a message to your brain of the loss of heat
The tallest ice cream cone was over 9 feet tall in Italy
The average American eats 45.8 pints of ice cream a year
Chocolate syrup is the most popular ice cream topping
In 1984, President Ronald Reagan declared July to be National Ice Cream Month.
The United States alone produces an average of 1.6 billion gallons of frozen dairy products a year.
Ice cream cones were invented in 1904 at World's Fair in St. Louis. There was a huge demand for ice creams and the vendors had to rush to nearby waffle stands to get help. Thus, together they made ice creams in cones and it still continues.
The perfect temperature for scooping ice cream is between 6 and 10 degrees Fahrenheit.